Lion's Shadow Days

Lion's Shadow Days

Thank you for being genuinely interested in Cardinal Ritter College Prep!


Lion Shadow Day visits for the 2024-2025 year are Every Monday





Frequently Asked Questions:


How long is the Shadow Visit Day?
Shadow Visit Days begin at 8:00 A.M. and end at 1:30 P.M. (unless special arrangements have been made).


What is the dress code?
Visiting students are encouraged to wear their uniform from their current school, or they may dress in casual clothes.


What materials should visiting students bring?

  • Visiting students should bring themselves—no large bags or backpacks.
  • Lunch is provided.

Who will visiting students shadow?

  • Upon arrival, visiting students will shadow a Student Ambassador.
  • They will attend the Student Ambassador's classes and follow their schedule for the day.


What time should visiting students arrive at CRCP?

  • Visiting students must arrive at school by 8:00 A.M.
  • A parent or guardian should escort the visiting student into the main office (through the front doors to the left) to sign them in for the day.



Your Lion's Shadow Visit team.
Please feel free to contact us.